Forward Rate Agreement Traduzione

Forward rate agreement, or FRA for short, is a financial contract between two parties that is used to hedge against the risk of future interest rate changes. In simple terms, it is an agreement between two parties that allows them to lock in a fixed interest rate for a future date. The traduzione of this term refers to its translation from English to Italian.

A FRA is a contract that is commonly used in the financial markets to manage risk in interest rate movements. It is an agreement between two parties, typically a bank and a client, to exchange a fixed interest rate for a floating interest rate at a specified future date. The fixed rate is agreed upon at the time of the contract, while the floating rate is determined by an external benchmark, usually a recognized market index, such as the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR).

The purpose of a FRA is to protect the parties involved from the risk of interest rate movements. Suppose, for example, that a bank expects interest rates to rise in the future, while its client expects them to stay the same or fall. In this scenario, the bank can enter into a FRA with its client, agreeing to pay the client a fixed rate in exchange for receiving the variable rate. If the interest rate does rise, the bank will end up paying less than it would have done if it had not entered into the FRA.

It is important to note that the FRA is a binding legal agreement between the two parties. Failure to fulfill the terms of the agreement can result in legal action being taken against the defaulting party. Therefore, it is essential that both parties understand the terms and conditions of the FRA before entering into the agreement.

In conclusion, a Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) is a financial contract that allows two parties to lock in a fixed interest rate for a future date. The traduzione of this term is the translation of the term from English to Italian. The FRA is commonly used in the financial markets to manage risk in interest rate movements. Furthermore, it is a binding legal agreement that must be understood by both parties before entering into the agreement.

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