Learning Agreement Erasmus Roma Tre

As a student embarking on an Erasmus experience, one of the most important documents you will come across is the Learning Agreement. This document outlines the courses you plan to take at your host university and ensures that the credits you earn will be recognized by your home university.

If you are attending Roma Tre University in Rome, Italy, here is a guide to understanding and completing your Learning Agreement.

What is a Learning Agreement?

A Learning Agreement is a document that outlines the courses you plan to take at your host university and ensures that the credits you earn will be recognized by your home university. This agreement is typically signed by you, your home university coordinator, and the host university coordinator.

The Learning Agreement is an official document that serves as proof of your academic achievements during your study abroad experience. It also allows you to plan your courses in advance, making sure that the credits you earn will transfer back to your home university.

Components of a Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement typically consists of three parts: the student section, the sending institution section, and the receiving institution section:

Student section: This section includes your personal information, the name of your home university, and the academic program in which you are enrolled.

Sending institution section: This section includes the courses you plan to take abroad, the number of credits each course is worth, and any prerequisites or restrictions for each course.

Receiving institution section: This section includes the host university’s confirmation of the courses you plan to take, the number of credits each course is worth, and any prerequisites or restrictions for each course.

Tips for Completing Your Learning Agreement

1. Start Early: It is important to start early and give yourself enough time to complete the Learning Agreement. You should begin the process at least 3-4 months before your study abroad program begins.

2. Consult with Your University Coordinator: Your home university coordinator is a valuable resource when it comes to completing the Learning Agreement. They can help you choose courses that will fulfill your academic requirements and ensure that your credits will transfer back to your home university.

3. Research the Courses: Take the time to research the courses you are interested in taking. Look at the course descriptions, course syllabus, and any prerequisites or restrictions. Make sure that the courses fit with your academic goals and requirements.

4. Check the Credit Transfer: Before finalizing your Learning Agreement, make sure that the credits you will earn at the host university will transfer back to your home university. This will help you avoid any surprises when it comes time to transfer your credits.

In conclusion, completing your Learning Agreement is an important part of your study abroad experience. By following these tips and working closely with your home and host university coordinators, you can ensure that you have a successful academic experience while studying at Roma Tre University in Rome, Italy.

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