Sample Letter to Tenant to Extend Tenancy Agreement

As a landlord, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to extend a tenant`s tenancy agreement. If this is the case, it`s important to have a clear and professional communication plan in place. One way to achieve this is by sending a sample letter to your tenant. Here`s how to write a well-crafted letter that extends your tenant`s tenancy agreement.

Start with a professional greeting

Begin your letter by addressing your tenant in a professional and courteous manner. Use their name or a formal greeting like “Dear Tenant”. This sets the tone for the rest of the letter and shows your tenant that you respect them and take their tenancy seriously.

Introduce the reason for the letter

In your opening paragraph, explain why you are writing the letter. Be sure to clarify that you are writing to extend their current tenancy agreement. Provide a clear and concise explanation of the terms and conditions for the new extension.

Outline the details of the extension

Next, in the body of the letter, identify the new dates for the extended tenancy. Specify the day the extension begins and the day it ends. Include any other relevant details, such as changes in rent payments, deposit requirements, or other conditions of the tenancy. You may also want to explain why you are extending the agreement – for example, if you need to make repairs or renovations to the property.

Include any necessary legal information

Ensure that you provide your tenant with all the legal information they need, depending on where you are located. For example, if you are located in the US, make sure you include the landlord’s name and address, or an authorized agent’s name and address, where rent can be paid. This information is necessary for any legal requirements that may need to be met.

Finish with a courteous closing

Finally, close your letter with a polite and professional conclusion. Thank your tenant for their continued tenancy and express your desire to continue working with them. Provide your contact information in case they have any questions or concerns.


Extending a tenancy agreement is a common occurrence in the landlord-tenant relationship. A well-crafted letter can make the process go smoothly and demonstrate to your tenant that you are a professional landlord who takes their needs seriously. Be sure to include all the necessary information, be courteous, and clarify the terms and conditions of the extended tenancy. By following these steps, you can create a letter that is both professional and effective.

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